This obliteration of association is a demonstration of imitation foundation.
My imperfections in the situation are nothing in comparison to your declaration and glorification of the inception of humiliation and scrutinization your "explanation" has caused.
Your condemnations and approximations to my calculations and interpretations have a flirtation of being an inspiration to the beautification of me.
The evaporation and disconnection of emotion and devotion have made the intoxication of rejuvenation a sensation to my disposition.
There will never be a duplication of question as to the condition of ruination you tried to commit.
My opposition to the composition of devastation your proclamation was, has made the complication of exhaustion a condition for intermission...
My heart is protected and disconnected from the obligation, obstruction and persecution of you.
This compilation of words is clarification of my resignation for caring about the situation when it comes to you.
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